Without planning to, I read two stories back-to-back which featured an abused wife running with her son from her law-enforcement husband. Both protagonists end up in a situation with a mysterious stranger whose motivations are unclear. But really, that is where the similarities between The Haunting of Orchard Hill and The Beasts of Vissaria County end. Douglas Ford’s The Beasts of Vissaria County follows Maggie as she attempts to start a new life with her son after an alleged suicide attempt. She has run from her husband, an ICE agent involved in some dubious activities, and she is living with her father. This was the one issue I sort of had with the story. Maggie refuses to carry a cellphone because she thinks it can be used to track her, but she’s gone to stay at her dad’s, and her dad, Vernon, is friends with her husband. Her husband even bought him a truck. One would think she would find a less obvious place to hide. But for the story to work, she does need to be found, and she i...
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